Spanish test: synonyms and antonyms

Each question has two Spanish words with the same meaning. However, the one in parentheses got scrambled. Can you unscramble it?

Hint: the first and last letters are in their correct position.

1. empezar → (czeomnar)
2. simple → (sillenco)
3. grande → (emnroe)
4. responder → (ctteoasnr)
5. caminar → (peasar)
6. poner → (clcooar)
7. mesa de trabajo → (erirocsto)
8. frigorífico → (nreeva)
9. chaqueta → (aricmenaa)
10. fuerte → (mosuculso)
11. conocido → (fosmao)
12. estantería → (lrriebía)

Now do the same with pairs where one Spanish word means the opposite of the other. As above, the one in parentheses got scrambled, but the first and last letters are where they should be.

13. negro → (bcanlo)
14. alto → (bjao)
15. rico → (prboe)
16. simpático → (aptácnitio)
17. empezar → (tinmerar)
18. levantarse → (asaoctrse)
19. reírse → (llraor)
20. tranquilo → (nioervso)
21. largo → (crtoo)
22. trabajar → (dcssaenar)
23. ir → (vnier)
24. nacer → (miorr)

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