Practice basic Spanish vocabulary with a word quiz

The word quiz available in the following pages will help you learn and practice the basic vocabulary for various topics in Spanish.

For additional information see the notes below.


ColorsFamily and relatives
NumbersTime, days, months
OrdinalsAdjectives and attributes
AnimalsCountries, cities and languages
ClothesFood and drink
SportsFruits and vegetables
JobsBody parts and organs
At homeBusiness and economy
The townPolitics

Additional notes

The method is simple: you click for a new word (it can be English or Spanish depending on your settings); type in the corresponding word in the other language; then check to see whether you were right.

One limitation to the quiz is that, as opposed to the richness of any language, words here have only one correct answer. This answer needs to be typed with proper spelling - be mindful of lower and upper case as well!

Whenever the Spanish word is a noun, be sure to start with the definite article (el, la, los, las). If a noun may be both masculine and feminine (e.g. el dentista / la dentista), choose the masculine option.

A possible alternative, which should speed up practicing and will probably be more convenient, is to spare yourself the typing. Simply speak the answer out loud (or just think of it, that's even less effort ...) and click. This will obviously skew the results (all answers will be "wrong") but this is no contest, after all :-)

The Spanish words populating the quiz can be found as topical glossaries in the "Basic vocabulary" menu, so you may begin to learn them there before you start to practice here.

If you find mistakes, let us know. Thank you.

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ñ á é í ó ú ü

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Word quiz

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